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Which ad platform performs the best?

If you can’t answer that with confidence, then you’re leaving money on the table.

Video ads are the least expensive and most effective pieces of content on both Facebook and LinkedIn.

Both will drive top-of-the-funnel attention, but which one converts best?

The best way to compare apples to apples is through Google Analytics.

We used this exact method to generate 244 leads for a software client in 2020. The average deal size was $10,000. These leads are worth $2.45M in the pipeline value.

Set up macro goals. Google Analytics macro goals are how your company makes money and what you want this ad to do is to support that goal. For example, booking a demo for your sales team might be a crucial goal.

Assign a value to the goal. In this example, each booked demo is worth $100.

Add an event to confirm the booked demos.

Build a custom dashboard to filter booked demos by source.

Compare with platform received attribution for more book demos.

Now, you’ll confidently go to board and leadership meetings with a pipeline full of qualified leads and a clear picture of where to invest (or reinvest) funds based on what’s working.

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