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I never thought that running a business would be plain sailing but I guess nothing really prepares you for some of the curve balls that get thrown your way. 🤷

The hardest lesson for me was getting used to the fact that not all new client meetings go the way you’d like them to go, but the imperfect meetings made me appreciate my clients and staff so much more. 🙏

At the end of each “Tell the Lady What You Want” podcast episode, we address a “Dear, Katrina” question from an audience write-in question. In this episode, the question was “Tell me a story about a bad pitch meeting. What went wrong?” 🤔

Katrina Padron and Michael Preston, CEO/Founder at Pink Shark Marketing had great insight to this question that you don’t want to miss. 🤩

Check it out today. 👇

Part 1


Part 2