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Your prospects are leaving

Stop sending canned messages.

It does not work, but on top of that, you start to lose credibility with your audience and you lose what could have been meaningful prospects.

I get it. Automation makes outreach scalable. That is true.

I’m a fan of automation BUT only with the right messaging.

Here’s why.

When I log in to check my LinkedIn messages, I’ll see about 20 canned messages every day. It triggers me. It triggers your prospects.

That means that your message gets deleted.

That’s a door slammed and that door isn’t opening soon.

So, if you use automated messages consider finding ways to help your prospects. Delight your prospects. Make them excited to see your message.


It’s more like stories, experiences, and new solutions to old struggles.

It’s thought leadership, food for thought, and personal updates.

When you send meaningful messages, your prospect starts to paint a picture of how you can help.

They start to question their decisions to make sure they avoid the common pitfalls that you see.

Ultimately, you start to gain a leadership position. You start building trust through these mini conversations and the good news is that you are shortening the buying cycle.

Drop a comment. What’s one simple way that you can surprise and delight your prospects?